
setData(tabName, data, [doColHeaders], [doRowHeaders])

Set the contents of each cell in the grid. It is an error to call either setColHeaders() or setRowHeaders() with different sizes than those in the given array. Optionally, LUSAS can automatically duplicate the first row (or the first column, or both) of the given data into the grid header cells. This is consistent with the LUSAS Print Results Wizard and allows the user to conveniently copy and paste the data with the header information. It is an error to choose to do this, and also to specify the header information using setColHeaders() (or setRowHeaders(), as appropriate)

tabNamestringThe name of the tab to modify
dataarray of variants The contents of the cells
doColHeadersoptional boolean If true, the first row of data will be copied into the column headers
doRowHeadersoptional boolean If true, the first column of data will be copied into the row headers
Return valuenone 

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