
setGlobalDistributed(type, wx, wy, [wz], [mx], [my], [mz], [loof1], [loof2])

Sets up a global distributed loading attribute.

typestring'Total','Length', or 'Area'
wxVariationAttr or double global distributed load value in X
wyVariationAttr or double global distributed load value in Y
wzoptional VariationAttr or double global distributed load value in Z (default = 0.0)
mxoptional VariationAttr or double global distributed moment in X (default = 0.0)
myoptional VariationAttr or double global distributed moment in Y (default = 0.0)
mzoptional VariationAttr or double global distributed moment in Z (default = 0.0)
loof1optional VariationAttr or double loof 1 / hinge rotation (default = 0.0)
loof2optional VariationAttr or double loof 2 / hinge rotation (default = 0.0)
Return valuePointer to this objectAllows multiple function calls to be chained together

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