
addPlasticDruckerPrager(InitialCohesion, InitialFriction, HeatFraction, CohesionSlope, FrictionSlope, PlasticStrain)

Add nonlinear Drucker Prager properties to isotropic material attribute (Mdl=64)

InitialCohesionVariationAttr or double Initial cohesion
InitialFrictionVariationAttr or double Initial friction angle
HeatFraction VariationAttr or double Heat fraction coefficient
CohesionSlopeVariationAttr or double Slope of cohesion against plastic strain
FrictionSlopeVariationAttr or double Slope of friction angle against plastic strain
PlasticStrainVariationAttr or double Limit of hardening curve
Return valuePointer to this objectAllows multiple function calls to be chained together

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