Engineering analysis + design software

LUSAS User Area

The LUSAS User Area seeks to provide answers to the most frequent queries that are received by the LUSAS technical support team. It also provides links to worked examples, manuals, videos and software downloads.

Finding information

We recommend using the LUSAS search engine in the first instance. Alternatively, browse through the links given below.

To restrict your search to pages in the User Area select one of the User Area options and enter your keywords.



Note: Our search utility supports the use of AND (+) , NOT (-) , and OR ( | ) operators between the keywords e.g. plate +girder

What's new?

What's new in the User Area? A short list of new additions to the User Area.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Answers to many of the most frequently encountered problems when using LUSAS.
Instructions Page Detailed instructions for carrying out various tasks with LUSAS.
Theoretical information Theoretical information on many aspects of LUSAS and Finite Elements in general.
Error and Warning Messages Explanations and remedies to specific LUSAS error/warning messages.
Security Key Support Explanations and remedies for potential problems that may be encountered with the LUSAS security systems.
PC Issues Information relating to any network, memory, resources and hardware issues

Technical Notes

LUSAS Technical Notes Link to copies of Technical Notes and additional worked examples.


LUSAS Programmable Interface (LPI) Scripts Help on LUSAS VBS scripting, useful scripts, and version-specific help pages

Software Downloads

Software Downloads Download latest and selected older releases of LUSAS software, and related software.
New features / enhancements Details of new features and enhancements in recent LUSAS software releases.

Documentation / Worked Examples / Manuals

LUSAS Worked Examples for the latest release Links to LUSAS worked examples for the latest release version.
LUSAS Manuals for the latest release Links to LUSAS worked examples for the latest release version.
LUSAS Manuals and Worked Examples Links to all LUSAS manuals and worked examples as supplied on current and past release kits.


LUSAS Videos LUSAS video / presentation sessions, which demonstrate selected LUSAS features and applications.
LUSAS Papers and Presentations  The LUSAS papers and presentations listed on this page have been presented at the conferences stated.
LUSAS Webinars LUSAS webinar recordings which demonstrate LUSAS applications.

Knowledge base

Knowledge Base This protected area provides a knowledge base of recently fixed software errors and outstanding issues.


LUSAS Software Verification Describes the extensive verification procedures that each release must pass.
Links to Useful FE References Links to the NAFEMS website as well as recommended reference books.
LUSAS e-News Our occasional email newsletter 'LUSAS e-News' supplies users and other subscribers with details of new LUSAS software releases, forthcoming LUSAS events such as webinars and training courses, and of any significant changes to the LUSAS website that may be of interest.

Have you done any interesting LUSAS analyses recently ?

We are always interested in receiving details of your LUSAS analyses with a view to creating a case study for use on our website, and sometime in print form. If you have recently completed an interesting project using LUSAS please send a brief description of the analysis to and attach a few JPG images to show the project, LUSAS model and/or results and we'll re-contact you to obtain more information. No material submitted will be used without prior appropriate authorisation.

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innovative | flexible | trusted

LUSAS is a trademark and trading name of Finite Element Analysis Ltd. Copyright 1982 - 2025. Last modified: March 06, 2025 . Privacy policy. 
Any modelling, design and analysis capabilities described are dependent upon the LUSAS software product, version and option in use.