Engineering analysis + design software

LUSAS Code of Conduct for Third Parties

LUSAS takes extremely seriously its legal and moral responsibility towards anti-corruption and bribery, and towards ethical and responsible sourcing.   We respect human rights and we will not participate in or condone corrupt and fraudulent practices, including participating in or supporting bribery, corruption or fraudulent practices.

We only want to work with Distributors, Resellers, suppliers and others in our supply chain who also take their responsibilities in these areas seriously. This document sets out clearly what we expect from the Third Parties we deal with and non-compliance may adversely affect your commercial relationship with us. This is in addition to and not in lieu of any legal agreement or contract, and may be amended from time to time by us and you will be expected to comply with any further revisions issued.

LUSAS Code of Third Party Responsibility and Conduct

  1. Ensure that your management team and employees comply with the standards defined in this Code. 
  2. Adopt a fair, honest, safe and ethical approach to business and encourage your employees, stakeholders, sub-contractors and others in your supply chain to do so.
  3. Exercise good sense and sound judgment to make the right decision relating to reputation or ethics.
  4. Inform us if your business changes in ways that may affect your compliance with this Code.
  5. Value and respect the human rights of employees, colleagues, customers, and people living in the communities in which you operate.
  6. Source responsibly.Adhere to the rules and regulations of every country in which you operate.
  7. Prohibit the use of bonded and forced labour including forced prison labour, forced child labour and human trafficking. 
  8. Give employees the right to leave employment when they choose.
  9. Ensure that child labour is not used and that the employment of young workers adheres to local regulations. 
  10. Where children of school age have been employed you must enrol them into a remediation programme rather than summarily terminating their employment. 
  11. The programme will include access to education and financial support will be decided in consultation with the child and family or next of kin. Where permitted by national laws, you may employ children between 12 and 15 to perform a few hours of light work per day. The work must be simple tasks of a limited nature and not interfere with the child’s educational responsibilities. Apprenticeship programmes for children below the minimum age of employment must be remunerated and clearly aimed at training. 
  12. You will refrain from hiring young workers (below 18 years of age) to perform any type of work which is likely to jeopardise their health, safety or morals. 
  13. Ensure that wages meet legally mandated minimums and industry standards without unauthorised deductions. 
  14. Ensure that employee’s salary, benefits, property or documents such as passport, are not withheld in order to force an employee to continue to work 
  15. Not interfere with the right of employees to legally organise and join associations such as labour unions. Where trade unions are not allowed, facilitate, and not prevent, alternative measures to allow employees to gather independently to discuss work-related matters and a forum to present concerns to management.
  16. Treat all employees fairly and not discriminate against any group in its employment practices.
  17. Protect employees from acts of physical, verbal, sexual, or psychological harassment, abuse or threats in the workplace.
  18. Provide all employees with a written, understandable, and legally binding labour contract.
  19. Provide clear and uniformly applied disciplinary practices and grievance procedures that include provisions prohibiting mental, physical or verbal abuse. 
  20. Ensure that working hours are in accordance with local regulation and industry practice and voluntary overtime is at manageable levels. 
  21. Provide a safe work environment, abiding by local laws and regulations and respecting the health and wellbeing of your workforce. 
  22. Provide the protective equipment and training necessary to perform tasks safely. 
  23. Establish and maintain emergency procedures to effectively prevent and address all health emergencies and industrial accidents that can affect the surrounding community or have an adverse impact on the environment. 
  24. Provide a suitable, clean and sanitary infrastructure, including access to toilets and potable water. 
  25. Protect the privacy rights of employees.
  26. Abide by all legislation and regulations related to the protection of the environment, the handling of dangerous and hazardous materials and any mandatory GHG emissions reporting (where applicable).
  27. Strive to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of its activities, products and services including: use of scarce natural resources, energy and water; emissions to air and releases to water; noise, odour and dust emission; potential and actual soil contamination; waste management; and product issues. 
  28. Maintain awareness of current environmental legislative requirements which are relevant to the environmental impacts of your activities, products and services. 
  29. Exercise due diligence when designing, manufacturing, and testing products to protect against product defects that could harm the life, health or safety of people or have an adverse impact on the environment.
  30. Adopt a Code of Business Responsibility, or a similar policy or statement that covers: adherence to local laws; anti bribery and corruption; and business integrity (including improper payments, conflicts of interest, fraud, competition, gifts and hospitality, and brand and intellectual property protection).
  31. Have reasonable payment policies covering your own suppliers and sub-contractors.

LUSAS Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy 

This policy prohibits any inducement which results in a personal gain or advantage to you or any person or body associated with you, and which is intended to influence you to take action which may not be solely in the interests of you, LUSAS, or of the person or body employing you or whom you represent. It is not meant to prohibit practices that are customary in a particular market and are proportionate.  Any suspicion of bribery should be reported to LUSAS.

  1. Not to directly or indirectly, offer or give any gift, whether of cash or other inducement, to any person, company or firm in order to gain any commercial, contractual or regulatory advantage in a way which is unethical or in order to gain any personal advantage, pecuniary or otherwise.

  2. Not to directly or indirectly, receive or accept any gift, whether of cash or other inducement, from any person, company or firm in connection with LUSAS’s products

Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion

The Company takes a zero-tolerance approach to tax evasion. You must not engage in any form of facilitating tax evasion, whether under UK law or under the law of any foreign country.

As of: 3 May 2021.

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LUSAS is a trademark and trading name of Finite Element Analysis Ltd. Copyright 1982 - 2025. Last modified: October 14, 2022 . Privacy policy. 
Any modelling, design and analysis capabilities described are dependent upon the LUSAS software product, version and option in use.