LUSAS has always provided tools to enable software customisation. These
made it possible to automate some of the more frequently performed modelling
and analysis tasks.
Scripting is an important component of any system which is to be customised to provide
a solution for a particular engineering discipline. A number of industry standard
scripting languages have been implemented which enable data to be imported and exported to
any ActiveX compliant program. This includes programs such as Excel, Access and Word and
scripting languages such as Visual Basic Script and JScript. This provides extensive
customisation opportunities with tools which are already familiar to engineers. The LUSAS
scripting language enables customisation of the menus and tool bars and also has
facilities to prompt the user for input via user defined dialogs.
A script file is an ASCII text file which is processed by LUSAS Modeller using the
"File > Script >Run Script..." dialog (see LUSAS Modeller help).
The format of the script file is as follows:
$ENGINE=scripting engine
{script body}
{procedures and functions}
Where the scripting engine is commonly either VBSCRIPT (Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting
Edition) and JSCRIPT (Microsoft Java Scripting Edition).
The LUSAS Modeller scripting API (Application Program Interface) is built around a set
of core objects which an applications programmer can manipulate using specific methods.
The current set of objects implemented for use within Modeller are given in the release
documentation, together with a number of examples to help explain the use of each
object/method. To find these pages search for "LUSAS Programmable Interface"
(LPI) in
the online help. Note that the examples may be cut and pasted into your own text editor
from this documentation or found as text files in your installed LUSAS area under the sub
directory \Programs\scripts\LPIExamples.
For those unfamiliar with Visual Basic the release kit contains a self extracting archive which contains a comprehensive
list of all the functions available in the Visual Basic and Java scripting environment
together with examples. This may be found in \Third
Party\Scripting\VBScripting\vbsdoc.exe . Please also
see the page Where do I Start With Visual
Basic Scripting for LUSAS? in our Frequently
Asked Questions area. There are also a huge number of books on the subject. We would recommend
books on "VB scripting" rather than "VB". The latter
will include a lot of information pertinent to the the use of the VB
Professional application - a lot of which is not available in the more
simple VB scripting language.