Base Class: None
Derived Classes: None
An assignment is a relationship between a database member (usually a Point, Line, Surface or Volume), and an Attribute. The Assignment object also acts as a container for all the options and settings that can control and modify the assignment. During the assignment process, an Assignment object is used to define settings such as orientation and factor. Once assigned, the details can be queried using getAssignments or getAssignments
To set a load factor
To query a load factor
call assignment.setAllDefaults()
call assignment.setLoadFactor(2.0)
call attr.assignTo(selection, assignment)
To query the size of element used to mesh a surface
asgnArray = obj.getAssignments("load")
call msgbox(asgnArray(0).getLoadFactor())
set surface = database.getObject("surface", 1)
asgnArray = surface.getAssignments("mesh")
set attr = asgnArray(0).getAttribute()
call msgbox(attr.getValue("size"))
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