Engineering analysis + design software

LUSAS User Area

LUSAS Software Verification

LUSAS is one of the world's leading structural analysis systems. It uses finite element analysis techniques to provide accurate and trusted solutions for all types of linear and nonlinear stress, dynamic, and thermal/field problems. The two main components of the system are:

  • LUSAS Modeller - a fully interactive graphical user interface for model building and viewing of results from an analysis.
  • LUSAS Solver - a powerful finite element analysis engine that carries out the analysis of the problem defined in LUSAS Modeller.

Over many years, LUSAS has established documented procedures which sub-divide the software development process into a number of well defined tasks. These tasks include the creation of functional and detailed specifications, code walk-throughs, technical and development reports and project approval. During this process the LUSAS Modeller and Solver development teams run a comprehensive set of non-interactive tests, which enable trapping of any bugs introduced during the development of new features and enhancements, as well identifying any changes that affect existing facilities. Interactive testing also takes place, and by the time a software kit is built for final installation tests and subsequent release it will have passed a vast number of Quality Assurance tests designed to ensure that newly added features not only work as intended, but do not compromise existing capabilities.

Modeller QA

The Modeller test suite is extremely mature, with a large percentage of the tests dating back more than 20 years. Each testcase uses a Visual Basic Script file to either build a model from scratch, using the LUSAS Programmable Interface, or to open an existing model file. Each testcase produces multiple pictures, tabulated output, model files, Solver data files - all for comparison with previous versions, and crucially captures the Modeller text output window to which progress messages, errors and warnings are written.

Some testcases cover solely modelling operations, finishing with the creation of a Solver data file that can be checked against expected output. Other testcases start by opening a LUSAS results file, before carrying out solely post-processing operations. Many other testcases cover the whole modelling and results viewing process from creating geometry, assigning attributes, solving and viewing the resulting contours and graphs. The type of testcase created depends on its purpose, and generally, the nature of the development project for which it was required.

All testcases are usually run weekly, and always for each formal release kit. This takes around 36 hours and comprises a total of 3756 testcases, creating 92539 output files which are each automatically compared against expected output. A subset of around 3000 testcases is run every night by each Modeller developer on that day's work, taking around 15 hours to complete, and resulting in around 60,000 output files. Developers are extending, modifying and writing new testcases every day, so these numbers are continuously increasing.

Solver QA

The Solver test suite constitutes vital regression testing which ensures that the integrity of the software is never compromised. It comprises 6300 tests testing every facility in Solver and generates around 30,000 output files for checking. It also includes around 350 tests that are included in the LUSAS Verification Manual that is released to clients, as well as NAFEMS benchmarks and HECB calibration tests. Each QA test involves running one or more data files through Solver and comparing results against validated output. The tests and output for each version of the software occupy around 6.3Gb; of which 6Gb is checked during each QA run. 

Each QA is run in 32-bits and 64-bits, single-threaded and multi-threaded, across a variety of equation solvers, and takes 25-29 hours to complete. Tests for both the current release version and the next version under development are run regularly; daily or on alternate days depending on the overall runtime. A QA run for each kit is also carried out before final release. Like the Modeller test suite, it is under constant expansion as new developments are added.

Interactive testing

Interactive tests are carried out with Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing software. This software drives the user interface and replicates a user carrying out tasks interactively, as opposed to using a LUSAS script or LUSAS Programmable Interface (LPI) commands.

Once a beta version of the software becomes available for testing, all step-by-step LUSAS worked examples available to clients are tested, along with discontinued examples for legacy reasons - amounting to around 60 tests in total. As new worked examples are written they are added to the test suite. Due to the extensive options available in LUSAS, not all variations of dialogs (such as the various country options for bridge loading, for example) are covered by these examples, so additional interactive tests are carried out on a number of dialogs including those relating to bridge loading, influences, materials, and rail and vehicle load optimisation.

Output from these tests, normally in the form of plain text and proprietary LUSAS picture files, is automatically checked for consistency with previously verified results obtained for each example. Any difference in behaviour or output - from an unexpected error message to an unexpected contour value - is reported for investigation and fixing by the development team. If any error is found, a new kit is built and the testing process repeated. Even with automation and the use of multiple machines running in parallel, it takes around one week to interactively test a release kit assuming all tests pass.

Informal testing

Informal testing is also used as part of the software release process, and takes many forms. Software developments are reviewed repeatedly with a team of reviewers ahead of any QA runs being carried out, often resulting in coding errors being identified and removed. A "road testing" stage, which runs ahead of and in parallel with interactive testing, is also performed. This uses a different set of reviewers who set themselves tasks in an attempt to find any outstanding issues. Documentation of new features and examples in online help and related user manuals using development or beta versions can also highlight differences. These additional testing and documentation operations all help to find and minimise errors in released software.

Installation testing

Installation testing aims to cover all possible installer actions and user choices in as many machine scenarios as possible. All versions of Windows supported by LUSAS, and any upcoming pre-release versions of Windows are tested in various different machine states ranging from a new machine with a fresh copy of Windows, to older machines with previous versions of LUSAS and other software installed. Installs, uninstalls, upgrades and other maintenance actions are all tested, as are the effects of these actions on the target machine and the software already installed on it. Variations on how the installer may be run are also subject to testing. Fully interactive installs through the installer wizard, silent installs from the command line, web installs, and installs from DVD are all tested.

Installation testing is largely carried out using virtual machines to quickly and reproducibly invoke snapshots of machines in various states. Machine states pre and post install action are compared to determine if a test has been completed successfully. For installs and upgrade actions, LUSAS applications are run to ensure that the installer deployed a complete and fully working copy of LUSAS. The suite of installer tests is run for every version of LUSAS released. If a failure occurs the cause is investigated and may result in a fix and rebuild of the problem component. In this case QA and interactive tests as well as installer testing may be run again. All Installation testing must pass before a version of LUSAS is approved for release.

Reporting of errors

All software errors found during development, from the sources mentioned, as well as those identified by users, are logged in a single database so that their status can be tracked. Each error is categorised as either Critical, Major, Minor or Cosmetic, given a priority and release target, and actioned to a software developer for fixing. When resolved, the changes required are committed to a Subversion file management system and as a result the software version in which they are fixed and subsequently released in is recorded for posterity. Errors fixed in a new release version are reported to all clients via a software release note supplied with each installation. Users are individually notified by email of any fixes for errors they personally reported.

Last updated: 31 January 2022.

innovative | flexible | trusted

LUSAS is a trademark and trading name of Finite Element Analysis Ltd. Copyright 1982 - 2025. Last modified: March 08, 2023 . Privacy policy. 
Any modelling, design and analysis capabilities described are dependent upon the LUSAS software product, version and option in use.