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NAFEMS | Additional
Theoretical Notes | Additional Finite Element Analysis

NAFEMS was founded in
1983 and has the following objectives:
- To promote the safe and reliable use of finite element and related
technology. To this end, much effort has been concentrated on developing standard
"Benchmarks" on which finite element codes can be tested. NAFEMS publishes the
results of these benchmarks which have been adopted as a method of improving and verifying
the numerical accuracy of codes
- To increase the awareness of capabilities, benefits and important
limitations of analysis tools with a strong seminar programme and through the pages of
BENCHmark, its quarterly magazine.
NAFEMS produce a number of good quality education & training
documents. In particular, the following titles from their "primer" book series
come highly recommended and will be of interest to both newcomers and advanced users alike
- also to those wishing to extend their knowledge in new areas of FE modelling.
- Guidelines to Finite Element Analysis
- A Finite Element Primer
- A FE Dynamics Primer
- Intro to Nonlinear FE Analysis
There are also smaller pamphlets available with titles including
"Why do Finite Element Analysis?", How to Understand FE Jargon", "How
to Model with Finite Elements" and "How to Interpret Finite Element
The NAFEMS Organisation Prints Numerous
Application Dependent Papers, a list of which can be found at:

From 1989 until his death in 2002 Professor Mike Crisfield
held the research chair of the FEA Professor of Computational Mechanics at the
Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College, London.
He conducted world renowned research and was recognised as an eminent authority on
nonlinear structural mechanics. His research led to a number of ground-breaking facilities
being included into the range of LUSAS software products which have been documented in
numerous books and papers, and specifically the following two books:
- Crisfield, M. A.
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures, Vol. 1 Essentials
J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991, 345 pp., 1997
ISBN 0-471-92956-5, 0-471-97059
- Crisfield, M. A.
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures, Vol. 2 Advanced Topics
J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997, 494 pp.
ISBN 0-471-95649-X

Additional Finite Element Analysis References
The following books are more "weighty" in their content -
dealing with the subject of finite element analysis comprehensively yet in a very readable
- An Introduction To Finite Element Computations
E.Hinton, D.R.Owen
Pineridge Press, 1979
ISBN: 0-906674-06-9
- Concepts And Applications Of Finite Element
Analysis (3rd Edition)
Robert D. Cook
John Wiley And Sons, 1989
ISBN: 0471847887
- Finite Element Procedures
Klaus-Jurgen Bathe
Prentice Hall, 1996
ISBN: 0-13-301458-4
- The Finite Element Method, 4th Edition
Volume 1: Basic Formulation And Linear Problems
O.C.Zienkiewicz And R.L.Taylor
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1989
ISBN: 0-07-084174-8