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How LUSAS uses PC resources

Memory management | System Parameters | Output File Statistics | Scratch files | Dynamic memory allocation | Hardware | Terms

Memory Management

Physical Memory

This refers to memory that is internal to the computer. It is to be distinguished from external mass storage devices such as disk drives. Another term for physical memory is random access memory (RAM) or main memory.

Physical memory currently provides the fastest access rates for transferring and manipulating data. All software applications are affected by the amount of physical memory available, and LUSAS is no different. The amount required to give a "workable" performance depends on the analysis types and model sizes that are to be analysed and should be considered carefully. At the more computationally demanding end of the spectrum, a nonlinear analysis involving upwards of 200,000 degrees of freedom may require around 2Gb of physical memory to ensure that the solution remains in physical memory.

Because the computer can only manipulate data that is in physical memory, every program executed and every file accessed must be copied from a storage device into physical memory. The amount of physical memory on a computer is crucial because it determines how many programs can be executed at one time and how much data can be readily available to a program.

Because computers often have too little main memory to hold all the data they need, a technique called swapping is used in which portions of data are copied into physical memory as they are needed. Swapping occurs when there is no room in physical for needed data. When one portion of data is copied into memory, an equal-sized portion is copied (swapped) out to make room.

Virtual memory 

Virtual memory is an imaginary memory area supported by some operating systems such as Windows in conjunction with the hardware. Virtual memory may be thought of as an alternate set of memory addresses that spans both the physical memory and the available page file (on a local hard drive). Applications use these virtual addresses rather than real addresses to store instructions and data. When an application is executed, the virtual addresses are converted into real memory addresses as required using the memory management unit (MMU).

The purpose of virtual memory is to enlarge the address space (the set of addresses) that a program can utilise. For example, virtual memory might contain twice as many addresses as physical memory, and a program using all of virtual memory, therefore, would not be able to fit in physical memory all at once. Nevertheless, the computer could execute such a program by moving into physical memory those portions of the program needed at any given point during execution.

The operating system divides virtual memory into pages, each of which contains a fixed number of addresses. A page may be stored in physical memory or in the page file. When the page is needed, the operating system ensures, where necessary, that it is moved into physical memory, translating the virtual addresses into real addresses.

The process of translating virtual addresses into real addresses is called mapping. The moving of virtual pages from disk to physical memory is one half of the process known as paging or swapping. Paging is required because, for current Windows operating systems, all data processing must occur within physical memory and to enable applications to run on computers that have less physical memory than is required by the application.

The following diagram shows an application accessing pages in virtual memory, which is then mapped by the memory management unit into real addresses. If the real address does not exist in physical memory a page fault is generated and a paging operation instigated to move the required data from the page file into physical memory.

The addressable virtual memory is the maximum amount of memory that can be accessed (or addressed) by a single application. The amount of addressable memory available to a program is not necessarily the total amount for the machine. For 32 bit architecture, the limit is 2Gb by default though this can be increased to 3Gb by editing the operating system's boot configuration.  For 64bit operating systems, a 32bit application can be run in 32bit emulation mode and can address up to 4Gb (2^32 Bytes).

Data management for a comprehensive software system such as LUSAS is a complex issue. Reduced to its simplest form, however, it is a question of ensuring that physical memory is used as much as possible for data manipulation and storage. Although additional temporary storage is available from the page file, data transfer to and from the hard disk on which it resides is comparatively extremely slow and to be reduced to a minimum wherever possible.

The LUSAS Data Manager

The LUSAS data manager works within the dynamic memory handling mechanisms of the operating system mentioned above and uses both the physical and page file. It consists of three main areas, the LUSAS memory, the data cache and the scratch files.

In the same way that data processing must occur within the physical memory, so the LUSAS data manager is the area of memory in which all LUSAS calculations are performed. When data is not currently required for processing, it is written to the LUSAS data cache. This cache stores the most recently accessed data records. As newer data is read into the cache, so older data is written from the cache to the temporary direct access storage on disk called scratch files.

The LUSAS data cache is an additional memory area to the LUSAS memory area that should preferably reside in physical memory (to eliminate thrashing) and acts as a "buffer" between the LUSAS memory and the scratch files. It attempts to retain the most frequently used data in the cache to reduce the amount of reading and writing to the slow access scratch files (disk i/o).

The following inequality must always apply when considering physical memory requirements


Where the CONSTANT value is included to allow for other memory resident programs that will also be running, the most dominant being the operating system of the computer.

The following diagram shows the data transfer between the three main LUSAS data manager components:

For optimum solution speed, the memory required by the analysis would be about half the amount of physical memory available. This will enable the data cache size to be set to fill up the remaining physical memory. In this way, all the data transfers will take place within the physical memory and the solution will only be limited by the processor speed. If an analysis requires all the available physical memory, then the data cache will then reside on disk in the page file and data transfers between the LUSAS memory and the cache will require significant disk access.

The LUSAS Datamanager System Parameters

A number of system parameters are used to control the various components of the data manager. A list of the most frequently used is given in the table below, together with a brief description of their effect.

Note that since the release of V15, LUSAS Solver now makes adjustments automatically and so it should not be necessary to manually change these System Parameters, unless advised to do so by LUSAS Technical Support.

MXELGP Maximum number of elements in a group
  During the "assembling elements" and "recovering stresses" stages of an analysis, LUSAS processes each element in turn. Rather than request the data for these calculations one element at a time, LUSAS is able to group element data and process a number of elements at a time. The number of elements in an element group is determined by the system parameter MXELGP. Increasing MXELGP has the effect of reducing the number of times LUSAS needs to access data via the data manager (typically requiring disk i/o). By default, each group contains 32 elements. The theoretically ideal size for this parameter would be the total number of elements in an analysis. This, however, is usually prohibited by the amount of memory available and a smaller value should be used.

MXELGP is only applicable for use with LUSAS SOLVER and will be ignored by MODELLER.

NLPZ This parameter determines the size of the LUSAS memory in which all the LUSAS calculations are performed
  NLPZ is specified in terms of real words (locations), where 1 location = 8 Bytes. For example, an NLPZ value of 150E6 locations would allocate 1200 Mb of physical memory for the LUSAS memory.

The number of locations required for each stage of a LUSAS analysis is output to the output file. Any stage requiring a greater allocation than specified by the current NLPZ value will automatically invoke a dynamic memory allocation request to the operating system to expand the total available memory space and enable the analysis to progress.

The number of locations required for an analysis is entirely problem dependent and cannot be known accurately prior to the analysis.

NPGS This parameter determines the maximum number of data records allowed in the LUSAS data cache
  The data cache size may be calculated from NPGS * 16384 bytes. An NPGS value of 960 would, therefore, correspond to a cache size of 15.7 Mb of memory.

Note that if the data manager cache is increased to such a size that all information may be retained in the cache without recourse to storing it in a scratch file (assuming sufficient physical memory), the scratch file sizes will be zero or, in actual fact, the default record length - usually 16384 Bytes.

These system parameters for Solver are available for modification via the following menu itemin Modeller:

File> Model Properties... and then go to the Solver System Variables… tab

However, for users of V15 onwards, it should not be necessary to edit these settings and it is not generally recommended.

The Solver Output File Statistics

A summary of the data manager performance for an analysis is given in the statistics at the end of every Sovler output file. A description of each of the output variables are given in the following table:

Disk Unit Name The SCRATCH file name
Disk Page Size (Bytes) The record length of each SCRATCH file
Calls to I/O Routines The number of calls to the subroutines that interface between the Solver memory and cache. Each call represents the initiation of one or more read or write accesses to the data cache from the Solver memory
Buffered Transfers Each call to the i/o routines may result in one or more transfers of data depending on the amount of data to be transferred to the cache. The number of buffered transfers measures the number of copy operations between the cache and Solver memory. Direct transfers, however, are the number of transfers from the Solver memory directly to disk (infrequent)
Disk Accesses Number of physical disk read or write accesses from the data manager. Note that, for large NPGS values, the cache may be residing on the disk (in the page file) anyway. Hence a larger amount of disk i/o will be performed that is not picked up by this particular parameter
Page Table Swaps The number of swaps of the page table which have occurred during an analysis
Peak File Size (Mbytes) The maximum size of each of the scratch files that occurred at any time during the analysis. This does not include the scratch files associated with the multi-frontal solver

Note: The number of page file i/o accesses is not available.

LUSAS Scratch Files

Where necessary, the LUSAS data manager stores information in direct access (scratch) files that also reside on the hard disk. There are a number of such files whose creation is partly dependent on the type of analysis that is invoked and that will be automatically created whilst LUSAS is running. The files will be retained on disk if LUSAS is aborted for any reason. They should be deleted to ensure that available disk space is maximised. Their presence, however, will not affect LUSAS performance. The following table describes the more frequently occurring LUSAS scratch files (typical file extensions are given in brackets):

Frontal (.frn) Stores element solution records and reduced equations during the analysis (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Shapes (.shp) Stores element shape functions during the analysis (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Problem (.prb) Stores problem related data, element data and results records during the analysis (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Restart (.rst) Stores data at a structure and element level (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Modeller (.mys) Contains MODELLER data used for post-processing (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Page table (.pge) Used by the database manager to store page table information when necessary (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Multi-frontal (.tmp) Stores the global records required for the multi-frontal solution procedure (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Global stiffness assembly (.gsm) Only used for the multi-frontal solver and is used during the assembly of the global stiffness matrix (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)
Global mass assembly (.gmm) Only used for the multi-frontal solver and is used during the assembly of the global mass matrix (unformatted, direct access, fixed length records)

Dynamic Memory Allocation

LUSAS Solver will automatically increase the memory allocation during the analysis up to the maximum amount of memory available. 

Hardware Optimisation

The choice for hardware upgrades depends on the dominant system bottleneck, which in turn depends on the type of usage that the system is put to. In the general case, however, major improvements can be achieved by adding more physical memory and a faster disk subsystem. When the memory and disk speed issues are circumvented, the processor speed would then become a significant factor.

Finally, ensure that LUSAS runs on a local disk, since network disk access is never as fast.

Computer Terms

  • 1 Byte = 8 Bits

  • 16 Bits = 1 Word

  • 1 Word = 2 Bytes

  • 1 Word = 16 bits

  • 2 Word = 1 double Word

  • 1 Nibble = ½ Byte = 4 Bits

  • 1 Mbytes = 10242 Bytes = 1048576 Bytes

  • 1 Gbytes = 10243 Bytes = 1073741824 Bytes

  • 16k = 16384 Bytes

  • For LUSAS software:

  • 1 Integer Word = 4 Bytes

  • 1 Real Word = 8 Bytes

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Any modelling, design and analysis capabilities described are dependent upon the LUSAS software product, version and option in use.