

Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre
LUSAS it is easy
to create and view complicated geometries and subsequently introduce
modifications if they are required. The range of joint elements makes
it easy to model the diverse and complex connections between
structural members, and the assignment
of loading is very straightforward."
Littbrand, Senior Structural Designer and Costin Pacoste,
Technical Expert - Numerical Analysis, ELU
Konsult |


Intesa Sanpaolo Tower
"Using LUSAS allowed
us to understand how this tall building will behave as it's built
and then clearly show that it will stand the test of time"
Andrew Weir, Associate
Director, Expedition Engineering


Design of canopy structures
for Miami Central Station
"We used LUSAS to model all
components of the Miami Airport Metrorail Station structures that we
were involved with. It allows easy importing of complex geometry
models and lets us apply all code-required load combinations in a very
straightforward way."
Dave Byers, Principal,
Genesis Structures


Söderström Tunnel Connector
- Detailed solid modelling and
nonlinear contact analysis of a cable anchored concrete tunnel
connector and the surrounding rock to prove the stability of the
connector for all considered loading conditions
transfer mechanisms between the concrete tunnel and the rock were
investigated to ascertain the magnitude of stresses and forces at the
connection, in the anchorage cables, and in the rock itself due to
permanent, variable and accidental loading to the immersed
concrete tunnel.


A structural ribbon for the
NASCAR Hall of Fame
- Design of a structural wall system
with a mobius-like canopy structure.
"We used LUSAS to perform a
complete dynamic response analysis of the mobius structure and worked
closely with the wind specialist for the project, RWDI Inc., to
develop a complete set of structural design wind loading combinations
including as drag and torsion, to completely assess the structural
demands on the system."
Dave Byers, Principal,
Genesis Structures


Analysis of barge gate and
gate abutment structures
"LUSAS really shined on the
modelling and analysis of these steel barge closure structures and as
a result it helped us to meet the tight design schedule. The time
taken to model these structures in LUSAS was noticeably reduced over
that taken when we previously modelled similar structures with other
analysis packages."
James Costello, Project
Manager, INCA Engineers Inc.


Beam/column moment connection
- Research into alternative moment-resisting
connection arrangements for use in multi-storey construction in moderate to high seismic
"The LUSAS analysis matched the
experimental results very, very closely and was much better than I
expected. Using LUSAS I could graph nearly any aspect of the results
against any other aspect and create high-quality charts, contour
plots, and animations not just for "eye candy" but as
learning tools and to gain valuable insight into the structural
Jon K. Lindsey, HNTB
(Kansas City)


Design and analysis
of above-ground full containment LNG storage tanks
- Development of the world's largest
above-ground LNG tank using static, dynamic, thermal and
nonlinear analysis
"Using LUSAS allows
us to continuously improve our analysis, research and development
capability especially in nonlinear analysis. With LUSAS we can ensure
that our range of LNG tank designs always meets the strict design
requirements of our clients."
Hag-Goo Sung, Civil &
Arch Dept Manager, KOGAS-Tech


Design of the Copenhagen Opera House roof
used LUSAS finite element analysis as the main structural analysis
tool for the design of the cantilevered roof and it assisted us
greatly in the solving of the main design challenges involved."
Exner, Senior Chief Engineer, Ramboll


Roof erection analysis of the Gwangmyeong velodrome
- Roof erection analysis to check stress levels, establish erection tolerances
and to ascertain jack down operational limits
"As a result of TGP
carrying out the erection modelling with LUSAS, the site engineers had
a great deal of confidence in the roof lifting operation and
subsequent jack down procedure."
Chris Harper, Principal
Engineer, Tony Gee and Partners


- Static, dynamic and nonlinear
analysis of a 170m high concrete, steel and composite viewing tower.
"We found the
technical support provided by LUSAS on this project invaluable. The
support team were quick and eager to help and furnished us with sound
advice when approached."
Mokhtar El-Houry,
Assistant Structural Engineer, Scott Wilson


Blast analysis of
pre-cast wall panels on the MSP office building
- Dynamic response analysis of
pre-cast concrete wall panels and assessment of peak
deformations under blast loading.


design on the St George Wharf development
- Analysis of irregular shaped floor
slabs and use of the reinforced concrete slab design wizard.
"The main benefit of using LUSAS
on this project is that it handles all the complicated flat slab
geometry and holes, produces bar reinforcement contours, and enables
us to design slabs almost impossible by hand."
Tim Dodd, Project
Engineer, White Young Green


Slab and Column Design for Swindon General Hospital
- Analysis of large rectangular in-situ
concrete slabs for the Diagnostic Treatment Centre.
"LUSAS provided us
with an extensive set of results which we could use for designing to
the appropriate code of practice"
Alistair Mugford, Project
Engineer, TPS Consult


Tower, Helsinki Zoo
- Ultimate and serviceability limit
state checks of a wooden tower for applied loadings
"We found the ability
of LUSAS to import CAD files extremely useful. It saved us a great
deal of time in re-creating the model in LUSAS."
Lauri Salokangas,
Helsinki University


University College London Hospital
- Global and local analysis of a jump formed, 22 storey, reinforced
concrete core to assess stress distribution
"The results from
LUSAS, which were presented with very clear graphics, enabled us to be
completely confident that our assumptions on stress distribution and
hence reinforcement design were correct."
John Wilson, Partner
responsible at Clarke Nicholls Marcel


Design and analysis of Gota Tunnel
- 3D modelling of large, complex box tunnel structure with customised
scripting to automate the results processing operations
"...the main
benefit in using LUSAS for this project was to be able to take into
account the complex geometry of the structure and to get all of the
results we required from the one model."
Mathias Uhlán, Skanska
Teknik AB


International Centre
- Optimisation of basement wall thicknesses for a 20 storey office
"By using LUSAS for the detailed analysis of the basement we
could obtain a realistic understanding of structural deformations and optimise the wall
thicknesses and the amount of reinforcement used."
Henrik Tinning, Moe & Brødsgaard


Staged Construction
Analysis of a Concrete Shaft on the Dublin Port Tunnel Project
- Staged construction modelling of the cutting of large diameter holes and
assessment of wall stiffening options in a large diameter concrete shaft


the replacement of degraded concrete on the Terra Nitram prill tower
- Global and local modelling of complex staged construction processes to
model cutting-out and replacement of damaged concrete
"Adopting the 'birth and death' technique
in the LUSAS analyses gave us a high degree of confidence that the structure would remain
safe at all times. This was of prime importance as the plant had to remain operational
thoroughout the duration of the repair contract."
Graham Anderson, Taylor Woodrow


Sentinel" - A commemorative Spitfire sculpture
- Linear static, buckling and frequency analysis with calculation of
stresses and optimisation of plate thicknesses
"LUSAS Civil & Structural allowed a safe design to be
realised within very tight budget constraints...without an analysis package such as
LUSAS, this project would
probably not have been built with any degree of confidence."
Nick King, Project
Engineer, Maunsell


Raising the roof
of the Chunju (Jeonju) Sports Stadium
- Global modelling of stadium roof structure and development of cable stay
tensioning sequence
"In tensioning the cables on
site we were always going to have a situation where the last cable to be tensioned would
affect all the others, so we had to know what that effect was in
advance - hence the use of LUSAS."
Simon Dimmock,
Project Engineer, Tony Gee & Partners


station canopy
"By using LUSAS
Civil & Structural
for this project we were able to determine with confidence the response of the structure
to earthquake loading and to check the analysis for wind and dead loads against more
conventional computer models and our preliminary hand analysis".
Tim Macfarlane,
Partner, Dewhurst MacFarlane and Partners


The Olympic
- 3D static, dynamic & buckling analysis to calculate
structural displacements for critical service connections
"Complex, sophisticated structures
require a modelling and analysis tool such as LUSAS which can handle
all the aspects of structural design, without burdening the designer
with a further complexity of tool itself."
Zlatko Gashi, Project
Engineer, Tierney and Partners


analysis of grandstands
- Eigenvalue and dynamic analysis for wind and crowd loading


Load capacity
assessment of steel masts for the Millennium Dome


Quantum Cloud" -
a sculpture by Antony Gormley
"Quantum Cloud
is a project that can only be realised with digital design systems and I am very fortunate
to have collaborated with energetic and ground-breaking engineers. The result, a
combination of art and technology, will be a monument to the future, expressing the
potential of the human being at the end of the twentieth
Antony Gormley


Slab reinforcement design
"Hand calculations for this type of work are not
straightforward. By using the Wood Armer facilities in LUSAS it is easy to view critical
and non-critical areas of slabs and provide a far more accurate reinforcement
Woodlock, Whitby Bird


Devonport Royal Dockyard
Nonlinear contact joint elements were
used to model the lift-off and frictional sliding at the foundation,
stop-block and shear-key interfaces. Additional joint elements were
used to provide hydrodynamic mass and damping actions on the walls and


UK's largest clinker store
"The details given on foundation
movement and stresses at tendon jacking points were of particular use
to us in proving the design. LUSAS helped us to save design time and
allowed us to produce a more efficient reinforcement arrangement due
to the Clark-Nielsen contour plots produced for each loadcase."
Phil Benson, Oscar Faber


'Muela Dam, Lesotho