Software Tour
LNG tank design checks
Use a suitable base model and define wall, slab, roof
reinforcement and prestress tendon arrangements to enable design
checks to be carried out.

The design base model
makes use of the innovative LUSAS multiple analysis facility and includes base, thermal, seismic,
staged construction, creep / shrinkage and eigenvalues analyses all in
one model,
comprising 95 loadcases in total for each design model. Additional loadings and
construction sequences can be user-defined.
If desired, view analysis results in

Define design load combinations.

Define the design code
parameters; EN1992 and ACI 318-14 are currently supported.

Select appropriate results
components and view results

Output force / moment results and
view PM charts for selected locations

Carry out design checks
for the RC slab and wall. Perform ULS checks for
stress, moments and axial stress, and reinforcement design. Carry out SLS
checks for crack widths and utilisation.

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