All the functions described here are available as global
functions in VBScript. This means that unlike all the other
LUSAS Modeller LPI functions, you do not need to prepend
calls to them with an object.
Note that when programming in a higher language, like VBA or C++, these variables
and functions appear as members of the LUSAS Modeller application object
All other objects in the LPI are accessed through these global variables and
functions - for example the variable database allows access to the current model database,
and view allows access to the current drawing window. In turn, the points, lines
elements, nodes and so on that make up the model can be accessed through the variables and
functions of database, and the drawing layers which handle all the drawing options
can be accessed via variables and functions of view.
abaqusExport |
AfxMsgBox(message, [nType], [caption], [nIDPrompt]) |
animation |
ansysExport |
assign |
assignment |
bringToFront() |
browseDir(title) |
calculateAndWriteSection(isLocalLibrary, sectionName, code, dimArray) |
clockEnd(label) |
clockStart() |
closePrintFile() |
cmdExport |
cmdImport |
confirmOverwriteSection(isLocalLibrary, sectionName, sectionPropertiesInLine) |
convertFromString(expr, output, [showErrors], [error], [locale], [variablesIn], [variablesNeeded], [dimensionality], [unitSet]) |
convertToString(input, [showAllDigits], [locale], [dimensionality], [unitSet]) |
countGraphs() |
createAutomationObject(bstrProgID, [error]) |
createEnergyUnit(longName, shortName, factor) |
createForceUnit(longName, shortName, factor) |
createGridWindow(nID) |
createLengthUnit(longName, shortName, factor) |
createMassUnit(longName, shortName, factor) |
createOpenDialog() |
createSaveDialog() |
createSelectLoadsetDialog(showEigenHarmCol) |
createSimpleDialog(title, rowLabels, columnLabels, data, [sizeByContent], [growGrid], [readOnly]) |
createStringFromArray(pVariant, [stringFormat], [stringFormatNoIncrement], [stringSeperator], [stringSingleVal]) |
createSupportZipFile(modelFile, VLO, model, results) |
createTemperatureUnit(longName, shortName, factor, offset) |
createTimeUnit(longName, shortName, factor) |
createUndoableEvent(command, undoCommand, description) |
createUnitSet(setName, length, mass, time, temperature) |
database |
db |
dxfExport |
dxfImport |
elementData |
enableTrees(isEnable) |
enableUI(isEnable) |
existsDatabase() |
expandPath(path) |
fileOpen(filename) |
geometryData |
getAnimationManager() |
getBuildID() |
getCmdFileExportData() |
getCmdFileImportData() |
getCurrentAnimation() |
getCurrentLicenceLine() |
getCurrentLicenseLimits(nPoints, nNodes, nElements, nLoadcases) |
getCurrentView() |
getCWD() |
getDatabase() |
getDisplayPrecision(isDecimalPlaces, precision) |
getDxfExportData() |
getDxfImportData() |
getEdittingAttribute() |
getEdittingLoadset() |
getElementData() |
getGraph(i) |
getGraphByID(graphID) |
getGridWindowByID(nID) |
getIgesExportData() |
getIgesImportData() |
getIntegerSystemVariable(stringName) |
getLPIversion() |
getMainMenu() |
getMajorVersionNumber() |
getMessageSuppression() |
getMinorVersionNumber() |
getModellerCurrentLocale() |
getModellerUILocale() |
getModule(moduleName, [className], reloadModule) |
getNastranExportData() |
getPatranImportData() |
getPRWOptions() |
getRealSystemVariable(stringName) |
getRegistryAppName() |
getReleaseDate() |
getSectionLibrary(isLocalLibrary) |
getSelection() |
getSelectionMemory() |
getSessionFileAssignment() |
getSessionFileGeometryData() |
getSessionFileReturnObjects() |
getSolverExportData() |
getSolverRunOptions() |
getStepExportData() |
getStepFileImportData() |
getStlExportData() |
getStlImportData() |
getSystemString(stringName) |
getTextWindow() |
getTimescales() |
getToolbars() |
getTreeSelection() |
getUnitSet(name) |
getUnitSets() |
getUserString(stringName) |
getVersionStr() |
getView(viewName) |
getVisibleSet() |
hideReturnToButton() |
igesExport |
igesImport |
initStatusBarProgressCtrl(msg, nrOfTasks) |
insertAttributeContextMenuItem(attributeType, beforeItem, itemText, command, [helpString], [sessionFile]) |
isEdittingAttribute() |
isEdittingLoadset() |
isManualRefresh() |
isTreesEnabled() |
isUIEnabled() |
localCompare(searchBstr, resVar) |
localFormat(format, [arg1], [arg2], [arg3], [arg4], [arg5], [arg6], [arg7], [arg8], [arg9], [arg10], [arg11], [arg12], [arg13], [arg14], [arg15], [arg16], [arg17], [arg18], [arg19], [arg20]) |
menu() |
nastranExport |
newAssignment() |
newCmdFileExportData() |
newCmdFileImportData() |
newDatabase([analysisType], [filename]) |
newDxfExportData() |
newDxfImportData() |
newElementData() |
newGeometryData() |
newGraph([graphID]) |
newIgesExportData() |
newIgesImportData() |
newObjectSet() |
newPatranImportData() |
newPolylineDefn() |
newPRWOptions() |
newSolverExportData() |
newSolverRunOptions() |
newStepExportData() |
newStepFileImportData() |
newStlImportData() |
newView() |
nextGridWindowID() |
openDatabase(filename, [readOnly], [iArch]) |
openOutputFile(filename) |
openPrintFile(filename) |
packDimensionality(energyDim, forceDim, lengthDim, massDim, timeDim, temperatureDim, [perLengthDim]) |
patranImport |
printWizard(resType, command, [data]) |
processCommand(command) |
processSolveErrors(exportErrors, solveErrors) |
prwOptions |
quit([force]) |
readBoolean(variable, defaultValue) |
readDouble(variable, defaultValue) |
readInteger(variable, defaultValue) |
readString(variable, defaultValue) |
registerDialog(pDlg) |
removeableWarning(text, [hasCancel]) |
resetMainMenu() |
returnObjects |
runCmdLine(pCommandLine, wait) |
scanout(filename) |
selection |
selectionMemory |
sendToBack() |
setCreationVersion(versionStr, [buildInfoStr]) |
setCurrentTreeview(treename) |
setCWD(directory) |
setDisplayDecimalPlaces(nDP) |
setDisplaySigFig(sigfig) |
setIntegerSystemVariable(stringName, value) |
setKeyboardMap(intersect, set, add, remove, toggle) |
setManualRefresh(isFreeze) |
setRealSystemVariable(stringName, value) |
setReturnToDialog(dialogName, buttonText, [runModal]) |
setReturnToModule(moduleName, buttonText, [clientData]) |
setReturnToScript(scriptName, buttonText) |
setSystemString(stringName, value) |
setUserString(stringName, value) |
setVisible(bVisible) |
sleep(ms) |
solve(filename, [options]) |
solverExport |
solverOptions |
startDialog(fileName, [runModal], [commandStrings], [wait]) |
statusBarProgressCtrlStep() |
stepExport |
stepFileImport |
stlExport |
stlImport |
stopScript() |
suppressMessages(iSupress) |
system(pCommand) |
textWin |
toolbars |
treeSelection |
unInitStatusBarProgressCtrl() |
unpackDimensionality(packed, energyDim, forceDim, lengthDim, massDim, timeDim, temperatureDim, [perLengthDim]) |
unregisterDialog(pDlg) |
updateAllViews() |
view |
visible |
WinHelp(dwData, [nCmd]) |
writeBoolean(variable, value) |
writeDouble(variable, value) |
writeInteger(variable, value) |
writeSection(isLocalLibrary, sectionName, sectionPropertiesInLine) |
writeString(variable, value) |