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Interpretation of the Nonlinear Runtime Variables (log file)

During each nonlinear iteration, LUSAS writes information to both the output and log files to help assess the progress of the solution. A good deal of insight can be gained from monitoring them. A typical iterative progress report is as follows…

MAR 8.3716 RMS 0.13031 DPNRM 0.63365E-01 RDNRM 1.0017
WDNRM 0.48246E-02 DTNRM 1.6113 EPSLN 0.38275 ETA 0.47409
DELTL 0.39971E-02 DELTW 0.92186 DLMDA 0.00000E+00 TLMDA 0.10509
LTDSP 0.00000E+00 MXSTP 0 NLSCH 2 CSTIF 0.86506
PENMX 0.11107E-03 NDPMX 4464 KDSMX 121:2 ISURF 0
ENGY 11.077 PLWRK 0.00000E+00
PIVMN 0.99872E+06 PIVMX 0.19055E+16 NSCH 0
KPVMN 11239:3 KPVMX 6539:1

The following table gives a list of these variables with specific notes associated with those that are of most frequent use.

Parameter Name



MAR Maximum absolute residual See Convergence Criteria
RMS Root mean square of the residuals See Convergence Criteria
DPNRM Euclidean displacement norm as a percentage of the total displacements See Convergence Criteria
RDNRM Euclidean residual norm as a percentage of the total reactions See Convergence Criteria and Residual Norm
WDNRM Work done by the residuals as a percentage of the work done by the loads on iteration zero See Convergence Criteria
DTNRM Euclidean displacement norm as a percentage of the total displacements for the increment See Convergence Criteria
EPSLN Reduction in energy in the current iterative direction (used to trigger line searches) See Iterative Acceleration
ETA Factor by which the iterative displacements are multiplied by during a line search See Iterative Acceleration
DELTL Incremental displacement length See Iterative Acceleration
DELTW Incremental work done by the external loads


DLMDA Change in load factor on the current iteration A check on the rate of increase or decrease in the load increment for automatic incrementation. A large value at iteration zero followed by an unconverged increment can indicate that the desired number of iterations is too large. This parameter should decrease as the iterative procedure continues in each increment. See nonlinear load incrementation procedures
TLMDA Total load factor Monitors how much load is currently applied for automatic incrementation and also shows how much unloading is occurring due to any step reduction. If the current number of increments is large, tlmda is still low compared to the final specified load factor and the number of iterations per increment is low (4-5) then increase the desired number of iterations and ensure no limit on the load factor. See nonlinear load incrementation procedures
LTDSP Value of the variable specified for the limiting displacement See Termination Criteria
MXSTP Maximum number of strain sub-increments used to return the elastic predictor stress to the yield surface Values greater than zero indicate the occurrence of plasticity in the solution. The greater the value, the more significant the effect of plasticity in the solution. If it is zero and convergence is difficult, it will not be a result of plasticity. If it is a large value it may cause automatic step reduction as a result of internal divergence. If it is greater than zero on the first increment, it usually indicates too large an initial load step or incorrect material definition. It is not available for the concrete model

Related Variable: PLWRK

NLSCH Number of line searches used on the current iteration The more line searches, the greater the degree of nonlinearity occurring in the current iteration. See nonlinear iterative acceleration
CSTIF Current stiffness parameter See the current stiffness parameter
PENMX Maximum penetration on slidelines A check for unreasonable penetration of a slideline node. If the penetration exceeds reasonable values relative to the structure dimensions, the slideline stiffness coefficients may need to be increased, conversely, reduced if problems are being experienced and the penetration is relatively very small. If it suddenly returns to zero during an analysis, contact has been lost (increase slideline stiffness coefficients and/or mesh density). If it has been zero from the beginning of the analysis, contact has not been established

Related Variable: NDPMX

NDPMX Slideline node at which maximum penetration occurs Related Variable: PENMX
KDSMX Node:Variable number at which maximum incremental displacement occurs Investigation of the mesh in the area surrounding this node may indicate the cause of any pivot problems reported in the LUSAS output file.
ISURF A switch to control whether the load level is to be controlled by constant or arc-length procedures If this value changes from zero to non-zero during the solution, a significant degree of softening behaviour has occurred in the structure. If only material or boundary condition nonlinearity id specified, change the threshold at which arc-length procedures are automatically invoked to zero - this would also be the case for geometrically nonlinear analysis in which buckling is not expected.

See Constrained Solution Methods

ENGY Total strain energy The current total elastic strain energy in the structure as a result of the loading
PLWRK Total plastic work The current total plastic strain energy in the structure as a result of the loading
PIVMN Minimum pivot value from tangent stiffness Except for buckling analyses, this value should always be positive.

Further details for negative, zero or small pivot values as well as a checklist of pivot problem remedies are available.

PIVMX Maximum pivot value from tangent stiffness Numerical difficulties will be experienced as this value approaches the maximum real number that the computer operating system can handle

For very large pivot values, see diagonal decay information.

NSCH Number of negative pivots found during solution Should always be zero unless a nonlinear buckling analysis is being performed.

Related Variable: PIVMN

KPVMN Node:Variable number at which minimum pivot occurs Investigation of the mesh in the area surrounding this node may indicate the cause of any pivot problems reported in the LUSAS output file.

Related Variable: PIVMN

KPVMX Node:Variable number at which maximum pivot occurs Investigation of the mesh in the area surrounding this node may indicate the cause of excessively large pivot values.

Related Variable: PIVMN


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