Academic / research use

LUSAS Academic

(For academic users only)

LUSAS Academic software is used by universities and colleges worldwide for finite element research and teaching / training purposes. 

What do I get?

  • A fully functional version with no limit on problem size
  • State-of-the-art finite element technology from one of the world's leading suppliers
  • An easy to use graphical user interface for Windows 10/11
  • Extensive customisation capabilities through the LUSAS Programmable Interface
  • Special interfaces for researchers to incorporate their own research work
  • Collaborative research opportunities with LUSAS
  • Reduced rates on scheduled LUSAS training courses (when available)
  • Worked examples to help students understand the fundamentals of finite element analysis
  • Access to a Teaching / Training version of LUSAS by your students

Analysis Capabilities

By using the software protection device and/or licence key supplied, the full licenced version allows access to the following software products and options:
  • Software products: LUSAS Analyst, LUSAS Bridge, LUSAS Civil & Structural, LUSAS Composite
  • Software options: Fast Solvers, IMD Plus, Nonlinear, Dynamics, Thermal/Field, Heat of Hydration.

Software download and licensing


  • Modelling and related "online" help topics are provided within the software.
  • LUSAS manuals and step-by-step examples are available in PDF format from the manuals and examples page.

Teaching / Training Version

  • With an order for LUSAS Academic you will also receive a Teaching and Training license key to allow access to the Teaching / Training version of LUSAS, which you can freely distribute to students. This, together with the step-by-step worked examples available, is ideal for teaching fundamentals of FE analysis. 
  • The Teaching / Training version is a fully functional copy of the software but with limitations on the size of model / analysis that can be solved. Current limits are as follows:
Points Nodes Elements Degrees of Freedom Loadcases
200 1000 500 3000 20

Technical Support

  • LUSAS Academic is available supported or unsupported. If the support option is included, full Technical Support for each site licence is provided through a single named university contact.

Terms and Conditions



Which LUSAS product and which software options are available?

2 LUSAS Academic
1 LUSAS Academic
LUSAS Academic LT
not available for general analysis not available

Allows for advanced analyses to be undertaken with any LUSAS software product.

Includes all available elements, including an extended advanced high-performance element library, material models, and provides access to the modelling, analysis and results  capabilities permitted by the included software options.

Allows for:

  • Linear static analysis

  • Linear buckling

  • Natural frequency / eigen analysis

  • Linear dynamics including forced response

  • Interactive modal dynamics analysis (IMD)

  • Fatigue analysis

  • Linear cable tuning analysis

And allows use of these software options:

  • Fast solvers

  • Advanced Interactive Modal Dynamics (IMD Plus)

  • Nonlinear analysis

  • Dynamic analysis

  • Thermal / Field analysis

  • Heat of hydration analysis


Find out more

Contact us for a quotation



Software Information

innovative | flexible | trusted

LUSAS is a trademark and trading name of Finite Element Analysis Ltd. Copyright 1982 - 2024. Last modified: March 11, 2025. Privacy policy. 
Any modelling, design and analysis capabilities described are dependent upon the LUSAS software product, version and option in use.