Software Specification
LUSAS Civil & Structural
A feature-rich, structural analysis system for all types of
general analysis with beam, shell, solid and joint elements.

Analysis capabilities
- Linear static stress
- Linear buckling
- Linear cable tuning
- Natural frequency
- Linear dynamics including forced
- Interactive Model
- Fatigue analysis
Includes this software option for
new orders:
And when used with these purchased software options also allows:
See below for more
- Point and line geometry creation
- Line mesh creation
- Structural supports including
free, fixed and spring
- Structural loadings
- Standard steel section libraries
for selected countries
- User-defined engineering beam
- Standard section property
- Vehicle loading for selected
- Moving vehicle load facility
- Prestress / Post-tensioning
- Basic and Smart load
- Contour, diagram, value, vector,
deformed mesh results
- Graph wizard with auto-updating
of graphs
- Animation wizard
- One-click report facility
- Report generation with
auto-updating of reports
And in addition:
- Multiple model and results
viewing windows
- Multiple Treeframe capability
- Advanced LUSAS solver options
- Import / export of CAD, LUSAS,
and other data formats
- Picture saving to BMP, JPG, WMF
- Selection memory facility
- Browse and cycle screen selections
- LUSAS Programmable Interface
(LPI) command bar
- Point, line, surface and volume
geometry creation
- Extended geometry construction
options including splines, tangents, sweeping, intersecting,
manifolding, merging etc.
- Merge geometry facility
- Shape wizard
- Boolean geometry creation
including intersections, unions, subtraction and slicing of
model data
- Slice through geometry
- Point, line, surface and volume
mesh creation
- Point joint elements
- Standard steel section libraries
for selected countries
- User-defined line, surface and
joint geometric properties
- User-defined orthotropic,
anisotropic, joint, rigidities, mass and specialised material
- Extended structural supports including
hinge rotation and pore water pressure
- Extended structural loadings
including face, stress and strain, initial velocity and
acceleartion, prescribed velocity and acceleration
- Constraint equations
- Thermal surfaces
- Retained freedoms
- Damping
- Influence facility
- Search areas
- Age facility
- Design strength plotting
- Mesh lock facility
- Transformation datasets
- Variations
- Fatigue
- Interactive Modal Dynamics
- Design factor plotting
- Fourier analysis
- Background meshing grid facility
- Slice sections in 3D
- Automatic arbitrary section
property calculator
- Precast concrete sections for
selected countries
- Advanced high-performance element library
- Bars
- Thick and thin beams
- Grillage
- Plane stress/strain continuum
- Axisymmetric solid continuum
- Solid continuum
- Plate flexure (thick + thin)
- Flat thin membranes
- Flat thick + thin shells
- Axisymmetric membranes
- Axisymmetric thin shells
- Generalised joints/springs/gaps
- Advanced material models
- Isotropic including plastic,
creep, damage, shrinkage, viscous, two-phase
- Orthotropic including plastic,
creep, damage, shrinkage, viscous, two-phase
- Anisotropic and rigidity models
- Temperature dependency
- Specialised material models
- CEB-FIP Model code 1990
- Codifed creep and shrinkage
- User-defined models
- and others
- Civil & Structural specific
- Precast sections of
country-specific concrete beams
- Box section generator
- Linear cable tuning facility
- Prestress / Post-tensioning
- RC slab / wall design facility to
indicate flexural reinforcement requirements
- Calculation of crack widths to
- Construction table facility
Civil & Structural software options
Included for
new orders:
- Fast Multifrontal Direct
- Fast Multifrontal Block
Lanczos Eigensolver
- Complex Eigensolver
- Fast Parallel Direct Solver
- Fast Parallel Iterative Solver
Available for purchase to
increase the analysis and design capabilities of LUSAS Civil &
- Design code-based results
visualised as Utilisation ratios on members
- Design summary results
produced for selected members and loadcases
- Generate formatted design
reports, showing calculations made and referencing clauses
and equations from chosen code
Frame Design
- Design checking of regular and arbitrary shaped reinforced
concrete members subject to bending and
axial force
- Design code-based results
visualised as Utilisation ratios on members
- Produce a tabular summary of results for selected members and loadcases,
view detailed results and generate interation diagrams
Slab / Wall design
- Comprehensive
design checks to a large range of international Codes of
- Strength/ULS and SLS checks
based on flexural, twisting and in-plane effects, shear,
stress limits, minimum and maximum areas of reinforcement and
crack widths or spacing considerations as appropriate for all
supported codes.
- Allows for defining load
combinations for each design check separately and produces
contoured results, detailed table results and rendered
calculations for adding to reports.
IMDplus Analysis
- Multiple event assessment
- Linear dynamics effects
LUSAS Civil & Structural upgrade
Civil & Structural plus specification
Find out more
Software Information