Bridge LT
A bridge analysis
system for linear static stress analysis of structural frames and

Analysis capabilities:
- Linear static stress
Improve speed and efficiency with
these purchased options:
- Fast solvers
- Traffic load optimisation
And when used with these purchased software options also allows:
- Steel frame design
- RC frame design
- Steel and composite deck design
See below for more details.
Basic element library
- 2D Grillage
- 2D and 3D Structural Bars
- 2D and 3D Engineering Thick beams
Material models
Integrated Windows user interface
for Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
- Single model and results viewing
- Supplied startup templates
- User-defined start-up templates
- Working and page layout modes
- Dynamic model rotation, pan,
zoom and isometric viewing
- Point and line geometry creation
- Point and line measurement
- Group facility
- Associative geometry / assigned
- Multi-level undo / redo
- Line mesh creation
- Standard steel section libraries
for selected countries
- User-defined line geometric
- Tapered beam sections
- Fleshing of members
- Isotropic material libraries
- User-defined isotropic materials
- Structural supports including
free, fixed and spring
- Structural loadings
including concentrated, body force, global and local
distributed, temperature, internal beam point and distributed loading,
prescribed displacement loading, discrete point and patch loading
- Local coordinate facility
- Annotation facility
- Drag and drop assignment of
- Transformation facilities
including translate, mirror, scale, rotate etc
- Loadcase creation
- Results envelopes
- Basic and Smart load
- Graph wizard with auto-updating
of graphs
- Animation of deformed shape
- Print Results Wizard
- Section library management
- Standard section property
- One-click reports for selected
- Report generator with
auto-updating of reports
- Saved views
- Fast solving capability
Bridge specific features
- Grillage wizard
- Static vehicle, lane, and knife
edge loading for selected country codes
- Moving load generator
- Vehicle and train (rail) load
Result viewing
- Viewing of results for all or selected parts of model
- Deformed mesh plots
- Contours of displacements, moments or forces using line contours or colour fill on fleshed or unfleshed members
- Bending moment and force diagrams for beam elements with optional peak values displayed
- Beam stresses at beam fibre locations
- Peak results value display
- Stress vector plots
- Graph plotting with export to standard spreadsheet packages
- Animate deformed shape
- Results window summaries
- Copy and paste of results plots to other applications
- Printing and plotting of results for all or selected parts of model
Software Compatibility
- Model and results files created by
LUSAS Bridge LT can be read by other LUSAS Bridge software
- Model and results files created by LUSAS Bridge and
LUSAS Bridge plus versions can be opened for editing or viewing in
LUSAS LT provided the model contains only those elements and
analysis options supported by the LT version.
LUSAS Bridge LT software options
Available for purchase
to improve speed and efficiency:
- Fast Multifrontal Direct
- Fast Multifrontal Block
Lanczos Eigensolver
- Complex Eigensolver
- Fast Parallel Direct Solver
- Fast Parallel Iterative Solver
- Rapidly reduces load
assessment times
- Extends vehicle loading
capabilities of LUSAS Bridge
- Identifies critical vehicle
and train (rail) loading patterns for a selected design code
Available for purchase to
increase the analysis and design capabilities of LUSAS Bridge LT:
Frame Design
- Design code-based results
visualised as Utilisation ratios on members
- Design summary results produced
for selected members and loadcases
- Generate formatted design
reports, showing calculations made and referencing clauses and
equations from chosen code
Frame Design
- Design checking of regular and arbitrary shaped reinforced
concrete members subject to bending and
axial force
- Design code-based results
visualised as Utilisation ratios on members
- Produce a tabular summary of results for selected members and loadcases,
view detailed results and generate interation diagrams
- Carries out design checks for multiple sections on steel/composite bridge decks to
the Eurocodes
LUSAS Bridge LT upgrade options
LUSAS Bridge
- for linear static
stress analysis, linear buckling, natural frequency analysis, linear
dynamics including forced response, Interactive Modal Dynamics, and
fatigue analysis.
- LUSAS Bridge plus
- for nonlinear, dynamic
and thermal/field analysis problems
Bridge specification
Find out more
Software Information