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> Advice
Relocating or re-sizing PC virtual memory
Computer pagefile is a temporary file area set aside by
Windows for use when physical memory (RAM) is exhausted.
It is also known as "page file" or "swap
file". More
on how LUSAS uses PC virtual memory
The location and size of of the PC virtual memory may be altered
Windows XP
Start > Control Panel > (double-click) System icon >
Advanced tab > under Performance (click) Settings button
Advanced tab > under Virtual memory
(click) Change button
Windows Vista
Start > Control Panel > (click) System and
Maintenance > (click) System icon >
Advanced tab > under Performance (click) Settings button >
Advanced tab > under Virtual memory
(click) Change button
Windows 7/8.1/10
Start > Control Panel > (click) System icon >
(click) Advanced System Settings link
> under Performance (click) Settings button >
Advanced tab > under Virtual memory
(click) Change button
We would recommend setting the
size is set to that "Recommended" in this dialog
(which is generally 1.5 times the amount of RAM installed) and locating the page file on a local
disk drive with plenty of free space available. Depending
on how many local drives are in use on the PC and their
capacities, it may be advantageous to locate the PC virtual
memory on a different local drive from other Windows
temporary files, LUSAS
temporary files and on a different local drive from where
you store any large models and results files. Note that LUSAS temporary files can become
very large and reduce the disk space available for
the dynamic growth of the PC virtual memory.
Increases in size of the pagefile
do not normally require a restart of the PC.
NOTE! It is not generally a good
idea to reduce the size of a pagefile on an internal drive, even
if only temporarily because it can lead to the pagefile being
physically moved on the disc (usually it it will be located at the
front), and it may become fragmented if the drive does not have a
single contiguous block of memory that is big enough, and the
consequences of these two may be a reduction in speed and it may
not be easy to put it back to how it was. There are third party
programs available that can be used to move the pagefile and
defragment it if needed, with more control and options compared
to the
standard Windows defragmenter.
If you do not have administrative rights
to perform these changes, please contact your IT department.
on how LUSAS uses PC resources