Bridge analysis, design + assessment

Case Studies - Movable Bridges and Structures

LUSAS Bridge is used by engineers worldwide for all types of bridge analysis, design and assessment / load rating. 

These case studies show illustrative uses of the software for movable bridges, with the most recently added article at the top. Country flags relate to the project's location.

Movable Bridges

  • Illustrative projects involving 3D and 2D modelling of movable bridges and girders for design and load rating analysis

EC Driver used LUSAS to carry out a three-dimensional frame analysis of the double-leaf, trunnion bascule leaves to investigate the forces, moments, shears and reactions in the various members of the complex structure.

Chelsea Street Bridge

  • Construction engineering analyses for a vertical lift bridge including the determination of stresses and displacements during the launching of a massive steel truss.

The use of LUSAS helped us prove our erection design. Early communication between the client, Massachusetts DOT, the Contractor, J. F. White, and FINLEY created a design that took the Contractor’s strengths into account and maximized the use of existing support structures to create a reliable and efficient erection plan".

Jerry M Pfuntner, P.E., Finley Engineering Group, Inc

Twin Sails Bridge

  • World's first triangular-leaf lifting bridge.

Twin Sails Bridge is a novel steel bascule road bridge that spans a navigation channel linking Holes bay with Poole Harbour in the UK. Ramboll worked closely with architect Wilkinson Eyre and mechanical engineer Bennett Associates to develop the bridge concept and used LUSAS Bridge analysis software to assist with its design of the crossing.

MediaCityUK Footbridge

  • Design of a visually stunning, asymmetric cable-stayed pedestrian swing bridge.

MediaCityUK Footbridge is an asymmetric, cable-stayed, pedestrian swing bridge whose form and function was dictated by site constraints. The bridge comprises two spans: a main span, approximately 65m in length, which traverses the shipping channel of the Canal, and a 18m flared concrete-filled back span that forms the counterweight to balance the asymmetric spans during opening,

Cathedral Green Footbridge

  • Design assistance, thermal assessment, and development of construction method for a cable stayed swing footbridge with a cranked back span.

Cathedral Green Footbridge is an award-winning pedestrian and cycle cable-stayed swing bridge. It has a 30m main span and an 18m cranked back-span that  counterbalances the main deck. The bridge rotates on a pintle bearing, with a central wheel to support its weight and swings to one side automatically when the river is in flood.

Helix Bridge, Paddington Basin

  • Static analysis of a steel and glass retractable footbridge

"Finite element analysis with LUSAS was essential on this project and proved that the differential movement between the glass and the steel helix was within the strain limits of the silicon adhesive."

Phil Snowsil, Senior Design Engineer, Davy Markham

Bellmouth Passage swing bridges
  • Analysis of construction process and installation of glass and steel swing footbridges with calculation of pre-camber required to ensure correct closure

"Analysis with LUSAS was needed in order to calculate the amount of pre-camber required to ensure closure due to a 120mm deflection along the length of the cantilever span."

Phil Snowsil, Senior Design Engineer, Davy Markham

Falkirk Wheel

  • Linear and nonlinear analysis of moving parts of the world's first rotating boat lifting bridge

"We needed assurance that the axially loaded joint ( in the main axle situated just inside the clawed arm) would not prise apart, and the results from the LUSAS model formed a vital part of this assurance."

Richard Prosser, Project Engineer, Tony Gee and Partners.

Novi Sad Friendship Bridge

Novi Sad Friendship Bridge

  • Global and local analyses of a cable stayed swing footbridge
"Using LUSAS was the only viable way of analysing the structure for the multitude of loadcases that had to be considered - in effect, we couldn't have done it any other way."

Karim Yngstrom, Buro Happold

Gateshead Millennium Bridge

  • Staged construction and nonlinear dynamic analysis of a cable stayed opening footbridge

"Using LUSAS was essential on the design of this bridge because a full 3D staged construction analysis to model the construction sequence, and a step-by-step integration with large angles, to model the opening and closing sequence was required."

Shapour Mehrkar-Asl, Project Engineer, Ramboll

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Software Information

  Bridge / Bridge plus
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Software overview
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Modelling in general
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Advanced elements, materials and solvers
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Load types and combinations
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Staged construction modelling
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Geotechnical / Soil-structure modelling
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Analysis and design
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Design code facilities
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Viewing results
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Software customisation

  Bridge LT
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Software overview

  Choosing software
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Software products
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) LUSAS Bridge LT
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) LUSAS Bridge
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) LUSAS Bridge Plus
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Software selection
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Software options

green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Videos
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Case studies

  Application areas
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Footbridge design
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Movable structures
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Rail solutions
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Arch bridges
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Major crossings
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Soil-Structure Interaction Modelling

  Additional information
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Linear and nonlinear buckling analysis
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Curved girder analysis
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Integral or jointless bridges
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Post-tensioning
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Concrete modelling
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Interactive Modal Dynamics
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) LUSAS Programmable Interface (LPI)

  General information
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Hardware specification
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Licencing and Networking options
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Software prices
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Documentation
green_arrow.gif (94 bytes) Links page

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LUSAS is a trademark and trading name of Finite Element Analysis Ltd. Copyright 1982 - 2025. Last modified: March 09, 2023 . Privacy policy. 
Any modelling, design and analysis capabilities described are dependent upon the LUSAS software product, version and option in use.